Associated Press disses President Bush one last time.
Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, January 16th, 2009 at 6:14 amWASHINGTON (AP) — In his farewell address to the nation, President George W. Bush is acknowledging that many of his decisions are unpopular with the American people. But he says there can be no debate about the results.
Indeed, a text of the speech comes with a laundry list of what Bush says are successes.
In the text, released by the White House in advance of the address Thursday night, the president says Afghanistan and Iraq have changed for the better.
Bush credits his administration for improving public schools, creating a new Medicare prescription drug benefit and finding more money for veterans.
What about the bad economy? Bush says his team took decisive measures to safeguard it.
The bottom line, Bush says, is there have been good days and tough days during his term.
On that, even his critics would agree.
(I just corrected two misspelled words in the Associated Press article. And these liberal idiots are considered “professional journalists”?)
President Bush made many socialist decisions to “safeguard” the economy.
Why are liberals complaining? Liberals should love President Bush when it comes to the economy.
Well, what goes around, comes around, and when President-elect Obama takes office, it will be my turn to disrespect Obama and give him an EPIC FAIL every time he screws up.
I cannot wait to be called a “racist”, too! (Will liberals dare call me, a Puerto Rican, a “minority”, a racist?)
Let us grade President Bush’s tenure:
Response after 9/11/01: A+
Afghanistan: B+ (The job is not done, yet. Victory is within our grasp, though.)
Iraq: B+ (Again, the job is not done, but victory is within our grasp. Our brave military will have to mop-up the terrorist bastards that are still hiding.)
Al Qaeda: B+ (They are still out there, however, they have been severely cut off from the outside world.)
Osama bin Laden: Grade pending. President Bush still has a few more days to find him and kill him.
AIDS in Africa: A+. Not even liberals can spin this as a “failure”.
Pro-Life: A+. Abortions have dropped during the past 8 years.
Economy: D-. President Bush inherited President Clinton’s recession, 9/11 and Enron screwed the economy, President Bush then cut taxes, the economy rebounded and the Dow Jones index went past 14,000 points. The economy tanked in September of 2008, especially with Bear Stearns becoming worthless, and John McCain lost the presidency due to the economy. More and more banks lost money, the auto manufacturers lost money, more businesses spanning several different sectors went out of business, Bernard Madoff ripped off the world (including his own sister) of $50 billion dollars, and now the nation is facing 7.2% unemployment.
Final Grade: B-
Those are the only issues I really care about.
Oh, wait. One more issue.
Pissing of liberals: A+++
Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin
Filed Under: News & Politics
I give him an A- or B+
MSNBC of course is grading him with an F because of their Bush Derangement Syndrome or B.M.S. (Bush Menstrual Syndrome) as I like to call it. I don’t really understand why they hate the man so much; B.O. I understand why I dislike him (pals around with an unrepentent terrorist, went to a church where from the pulpit a reverand politicized and lied to his congregation about white people and the Jews, believes in socialism, taxation, Marxism, and black liberation, and buys into this notion that government is the cure and solution to every known problem when it is not, and he believes in talking to our enemies instead of giving them an American G.I. boot up their ass and aborting babies left from right.)
But where I’d give Bush the D+ or D- is with immigration and the Dubai ports deal, otherwise, I agree with your grading system, Los. The problem with Bush was he didn’t know how to present good news because being a good Christian he didn’t want to conflagrate the flames of hate and exacerbate his critics’ criticism anymore but I agree with Ann Coulter and other conservatives that apologizing doesn’t solve anything. I like that Bush had alot of courage and character unlike Bill Clinton to give his admittance that he did wrong or made mistakes but he shouldn’t have to apologize for what he did. He put the country first and to his heart and did what HE felt was right. He believed in aggression against pacificism. He killed more terrorists than Clinton or Carter’s or even his dad’s administration combined and he hung a murderous dictator and killed his equally murderous, bloodthirsty sons, and he has kept us safe from harm for 8 long years. The guy has balls.
Now, we’re getting a man who seems to not even want to use his pair to fight terrorism or illegal immigration. He just seems to want to bend over and let some imperalist or dictator or crook fuck us in the ass.
I thank Bush everyday for being my president. While Ronald Reagan will still be the greatest president to have ever lived, Bush I feel will stay favorable and strong in Republicans’ and future Republicans’ minds than to the liberals. If Barry proves to be an embarrassment showing his inexperience and doggishness and the economy collapses even more, we get hit again on his watch, and capitalism and free markets are replaced by redistribution of wealth and the government nannying and bankrupting it’s people than his trick-pony-show will go down as one of the worst presidencies since Jimmy Carter. If he somehow gets on the right track but goes liberally he’ll be loved by the Left even more but hated by us conservatives. (Not that we don’t hate the guy and all he stands for already.)
Seriously, the polls say he has a 73% approval rating right now. I don’t approve of the guy. No one else I know as a conservative approves of his guy or his cabinet picks! McCain and Palin were the right direction for America; B. Hussein Obama and stuttering, dopily, pontificating Biden.
Immigrations: D-
National Security: A+
Still a solid B-.