22 Weeks!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 11:33 am

22 Weeks

A young woman is locked in the bathroom of an abortion clinic after her aborted baby was born alive.

A film about decisions, their affects and the echoes they leave behind. Based on the shocking World Net Daily article by Ron Strom, on victim’s testimonies, and real 911 calls about one of the most controversial subjects of our time, “22 Weeks” achieves to confront both sides of the spectrum and their perspective to the ongoing question: “what would you do?”


I definitely want to see this movie.

The scary part about all of this is that it is - true.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

(1 Ratings)

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Filed Under: News & Politics

2 Responses to “22 Weeks!”

  1. Well I know this is mean but thats what she gets for murdering her unborn baby!!!!!!

  2. Sharp Girl says:

    Abortion is such a lie…..just like atheism. I hate abortion, but I am VERY compassionate and merciful toward these women. I would never wish more trauma to befall them. I hope that someone reaches out to this (and other) woman with the love & forgiveness of Christ. We humans tend to “rank” sins, but God sees no difference in this woman’s sin and our own day-to-day sins.

    Until people turn back to God, abortion will continue…..and women will continue to be scarred & haunted for life by the guilt of having killed their own child. Abortion doesn’t just ruin one life.
