Dildo Downpour.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 24th, 2008 at 6:05 am

The following story is for our Log Cabin conservative readers.

Just kidding.

The Local

Supporters of the Stockholm-based AIK ice hockey team scored an unusual hat trick of heckling on Tuesday night featuring dildos, profane banners, and a giant inflatable penis.

The taunts were directed at Jan Huokko, a stocky defenceman with the Leksand hockey club in Sweden’s second-tier professional hockey league, and a former player with AIK.

Ahead of Tuesday’s match against Leksand, the website for AIK’s unofficial supporter group had instructed fans to bring dildos to the match to remind Huokko of the sex scandal which plagued him earlier in the year, according to the Expressen newspaper.

I wonder if any hockey moms attended the game?

Hat Tip:
The Jawa Report

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Tags: AIK, dildo, Jan Huokko, Sweden
Filed Under: Humorous, Sports