Posted by Kelsey GoldencloseAuthor: Kelsey GoldenName: Kelsey Golden Site: AIM: oldmanklc Yahoo: About: Kelsey Golden holds a B.A. in History from the University of Texas and is currently pursuing a second degree in Mechanical Engineering. He writes on a variety of subjects mostly related to current events and politics.See Authors Posts (45) on Monday, September 29th, 2008 at 6:19 pm
We posted this video a few days ago but I decided to repost it because it’s that important. This video contains information that the media has not and likely will not tell you.
While the democrats continue to get a free pass from the media while they ruthlessly and without facts, blame Republicans for this financial mess, reality as usual, is far different. You see my friends, Republicans saw this crisis coming years ago and were repeatedly blocked by Democrats when they tried to do something about it.
If you’re voting this November, please incorporate what you just learned from this video into your decision. The future of our country may depend upon it.
Posted by Kelsey GoldencloseAuthor: Kelsey GoldenName: Kelsey Golden Site: AIM: oldmanklc Yahoo: About: Kelsey Golden holds a B.A. in History from the University of Texas and is currently pursuing a second degree in Mechanical Engineering. He writes on a variety of subjects mostly related to current events and politics.See Authors Posts (45) on Saturday, September 20th, 2008 at 3:43 pm
In the video, Daniel Mudd (Former CEO, Fannie Mae) says:
“we are determined to keep tearing down the barriers on the American Dream.”
While his rhetoric sounds lofty and idealistic, what he called “barriers” were actually safeguards which prevented banks and other financial institutions from lending money to large numbers of high risk borrowers. The requirements for these loans have been “color blind” for a very long time so race really had nothing to do with it. What he calls the “American Dream” in this case, is merely a handout.
The real “American Dream” is the ability to “earn” the right to do things like take out a mortgage through hard work and good credit. The “American Dream” was never something we were entitled to but instead, it was something we are all entitled to “pursue and earn.” To those willing to put forth the effort, the fulfillment of the American Dream was their reward.
It is time that we reestablish the real American Dream in this country. We can do this best by ceasing government handouts and truly letting the free market make the best choices for a capitalist system. This mortgage crisis was a symptom of the entitlement culture and crisis like it will end when individuals and corporations alike, realize once more that the American Dream is always waiting for those willing to reach higher and no achievement has or ever will be reached by anything less than hard work, dedication, and ingenuity.
Posted by Kelsey GoldencloseAuthor: Kelsey GoldenName: Kelsey Golden Site: AIM: oldmanklc Yahoo: About: Kelsey Golden holds a B.A. in History from the University of Texas and is currently pursuing a second degree in Mechanical Engineering. He writes on a variety of subjects mostly related to current events and politics.See Authors Posts (45) on Friday, September 19th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
Something unbelievable is happening in Washington (Talk about stating the obvious). Our Government, Democrats and Republicans both, are “working together” to “save” our economy. This is of course, right after they finish figuring out who to blame. But there’s nothing “amazing” about that because it’s what we on the ground have come to expect. What is amazing are the new policies that seem to be getting support from “both sides of the isle. It’s the “policies” and “measures” that those in our government are now willing to take that are truly “amazing.” Many of them were listed by the President in the following video:
“To avoid severe disruptions in the financial markets and to support home financing, we took action to address the situation at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Federal Reserve also acted to prevent the disorderly liquidation of the insurance company AIG. And in coordination with central banks around the world, the Fed has injected much-needed liquidity into our financial system.”
Translation -“In order to avoid the financial collapse that has been inevitable ever since President Clinton began deregulating banks by repealing Glass-Steagle in 1999 following by his assertions and later, President Bush’s similar assertions, that all Americans deserved to “own” a home (rather than earn it), we have decided to “act.” In response, we will use the taxpayer dollars, stolen from those who were able to “own” a home by their own means prior to the Government’s deregulation of banks and entitlements to those who couldn’t afford a home, to “nationalize” mortgage companies who lent money to those who could not afford to pay it back. Furthermore, it is now the burden of the taxpayer to uphold the mortgages of people who shouldn’t have gotten loans to begin with and who took out loans they couldn’t pay back.
I’m just estimating here but between Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and AIG… what is the total? 1.5 trillion of our dollars? And where will this money come from anyway? Will the government just “print up some paper” in order to bail these companies out at the expense of the taxpayer and at the expense of a further degradation in the value of the dollar?
Now, I could attack this from a partisan angle such that I point out things like Obama’s economic advisers from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or his ranking second in campaign contributions while these companies were failing… but pointing those things out doesn’t change the fact that Republicans and Democrats, your Representatives, are using Your tax dollars, to NATIONALIZE INDUSTRIES! What did we call that in the cold war? Oh yeah, “COMUNISM!”
And what’re they going to do, a year or two down the road, when more deregulated banks fail or these now taxpayer owned companies can’t pay back the money we lent to them just as their clients couldn’t and still can’t pay back their sub prime mortgages? Are we going to bail them out “again?”
So here’s my proposal to how to “fix” this economy. We have to address the disconnect between the taxpayer and their tax dollars and we have to end the culture of entitlement that has prevailed ever since the passage of the 16th amendment.
1. First, abolish the tax withholding system so that all Americans have to write a check every month to these wasteful bastards in our government. After seeing hundreds to thousands of dollars leave their wallets every month, maybe the electorate will finally wake up to the reality that our government is NOT giving a good return on OUR money. I’ll tell you one thing, the taxpayers will finally be showing the outrage that they should’ve had all along… the very outrage that the withholding system was passed in the 1940s in order to prevent!
2. Second, stop all entitlements and the ignorant mentality that goes along with it. This means that corporations don’t get subsidized by the government and banking execs go to jail instead of getting bailed out while collecting ridiculous salaries when they irresponsibly drive their companies into bankruptcy (like they did with Enron). It also means that the individual citizen goes back to the more realistic mentality that their only entitlement is the ability to “earn” the right to “buy a home” or “own a brand new car,” or have “digital cable television.” Furthermore, everyone should go back to the mentality that they have the “right” to “earn” the ability to “live comfortably” rather than relying on the hard work of others to pay their way.
Just the above two proposals starting immediately with an end to banking bail out will put an end to these constant economic crisis.Sure, we may suffer for a while as our economy enters a trough but in the end, our economy will recover due to the motivated resilience of the American People and we will be all the better for it.
Corporations will stop making huge gaffs expecting the government to bail them out and borrowers will stop taking loans that they can’t pay back if they’re even offered them again in the first place. In the end, the principles of free market which have been hindered by conflicts of interest and the wrong type of deregulation in repealing Glass-Steagle, will ensure that businesses who want to stay afloat need to make sound financial decisions with their assets. Citizens who want to increase their wealth, maintain good credit, and live comfortably will also learn to live within their means.
So it’s time to say “no” to the direction our Government wants to take our country. It’s time to say “no” to solving economic problems via inflationary spending. It’s time to say “no” to corporate and individual welfare at the expense of those who were thoughtful enough to never need it in the first place. Furthermore, it’s time to say “no” to our politicians who’re so worried about their political careers, that they keep working to “prevent” the natural ups and downs that enable a capitalist economy to improve.Finally, it’s time for us to say “no” to a government that continues to reward bad behavior while punishing the good behavior of the hard working taxpayer.
The blogosphere and radio hosts put a stop to the “bipartisan” immigration-amnesty bill and we can do it again! Flood your congressman and senator’s voicemail with your opposition to continued taxpayer funded bailouts for corporations, individuals, other countries… everybody.
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