ScoopThis.Org hatemail!
Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 at 11:57 amThis will be a new feature on Scoop This. We will be featuring email from the members of our society that espouse the most peace and love. I received two emails today from readers who want to express their profound and well-thought opinions of the writers at Scoop This.
Your Name: your a dumb fuck
Website: http://
To: Contact Carlos C.
Subject: General CommentsMessage:
you guys are a bunch of dumb fucks
Thanks, we know. Yet, the public cannot get enough of us, and our blog numbers prove it!
Your Name: milidude
To: Contact Carlos C.
Subject: OtherMessage:
carlos: you seem to be a hypocrite and a man posessing a forked(fucked) tongue since you have indeed sanctioned my comment from your pablum blog, as well as banned me too, so much for telling the truth. i stand by my words-i fought for this country and sacrificed my blood/sweat/tears to give pendeho/pendejo like you the opp to spread your zionist anti-american propoganda.and to you kelsey: remove that ENEMY flag which is before the american on your myspace page or you will be considered an enemy combatant(terrorist).OVER HERE WE READ LEFT TO RIGHT NOT RIGHT TO LEFT BUT WE ALL KNOW THIS WAS NOT AN INNOCENT MISTAKE BUT WAS DONE WITH PURPOSE TO SUPPLANT THE SUPERIORITY OF THE SYMBOL OF THE AMERICAN FLAG WITH YOUR LUCIFERIAN SYMBOL. just as the blacks cry foul whenever anyone uses there jargon to label them(nigger) zionist pigs like kelsey hide behind the bleeding hearts that still feel sorry for the jew, when you are a primary infection in this country/ and the one who promulgated the falsicaust against the tru sephardic jew(whom i respect) which are not frauds as you ashkanazi jews are.. if you like the hexagram flag of hellsrael so much then get the fuck out of my country and go back to yours.
i warn you both: dont ever tell me a veteran or any other veteran of this country what we can and cant do, unless you are ready to defend yourselves with hand to hand combat. I have been on the front lines, you are not worthy to be considered a link in the chain of liberty which collectively allows dickheads such as you both to spread your bullshit around to dumbed down and unsuspecting goyim. if you really want to make a difference, then tell the truth about issues, and make yourself available to people thru direct emails.
most important : hypocracy is for nothing more than a communist prooganda tool meant to further hide the truth about an issue, which you carlos have executed repeatedly in your pablum postings. YOU KNOW, I THOUGHT I MIGHT APPEAL TO YOUR COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE, BUT THAT TAKES BRAINS OF WHICH YOU BOTH LACK, SO HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND: GO FUCK YOURSELVES, SINGULAR AND COLLECTIVELY. U BAN ME FROM YOUR BLOG, I BAN YOU FROM MY COUNTRY-GET THE FUCK OUT.
Well, I never banned Milidude. Perhaps I might have removed one of his posts if he was race baiting, which he obviously does in his email. This will be the first and last email I will feature from Milidude, especially since his email is full of racist diatribe.
Also, I have never banned any war veterans from posting on Scoop This. We honor war veterans and we thank them on this website. Scoop This has received comments from war veterans thanking us for this website and exposing the issues.
Keep the hatemail coming!
Filed Under: ScoopThis.Org
September 30th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
One is a coward with a false email address…like so many wussies, they won’t put their name or contact information on a post or email. The left is full of ball-less wimps without a shred of courage or character!
September 30th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
How interesting. Since when did this fellow have the right to remove another citizens rights? He claims to be a veteran. that’s a shame really he does our brave loyal armed forces no credit with such vulgar speech as this. I would wonder though at the source of his bitterness. I’ve seen many come back from deployment and all have sadly felt the life long sting of it’s effects. no man or woman can journey through such and come out unaltered. Milidude I feel pity for genuinely. the other whom ever it may be gathers no such emotions. Facts be what they are this person raise no emotional reaction from me at all. they are beheath my considerations.
Bless you cookie and all the good and studious writers here on
September 30th, 2008 at 12:52 pm
well ill use my vetreran status to unban you from america los. if we go by his theory your now nuetral and free to keep giving me the info i need to fight liberalism
September 30th, 2008 at 1:16 pm
You’ve arrived, Los!
September 30th, 2008 at 3:14 pm
Wow. Milidude says he fought for the right for you to say what he calls “zionist” propoganda, then claims you don’t have the right and revokes your citizenship status?
Dude needs another word for his vocabulary besides fuck, zionist, and hypocrite. Its called “contradiction”.
September 30th, 2008 at 4:17 pm
Just like a damned liberal! They think free speach is only free speech when it mirrors their own ideology anything less is considered hatespeech. If this guy was ever in the military he was probably one of those “Winter Soldier” bags of excrement.
September 30th, 2008 at 5:05 pm
Wow, he really respects freedom of speech doesn’t he?
Milidude… I maintain my right to ignore you. Your ignorance, racism, and anti-semitism make it apparant that you are not a productive person to talk to. Free speech, not free listen.
September 30th, 2008 at 5:07 pm
Is that his real email address Los? Could you post the signature code from that email?
September 30th, 2008 at 5:23 pm
When he said enemy flag… for a brief second I thought it was one of the other flags I had on my profile, not the Israeli one. For a second, I thought his knowledge of history was above par because most people do not recognize one of the four flags on my profile for what it was. The key word there is “was” because the country one of those flags represents does not exist anymore.
I have purposely left out what country it represents. I use it as a test of sorts among history buffs.
September 30th, 2008 at 5:25 pm
It might be a real email. That is a real website, though
September 30th, 2008 at 7:02 pm
As a 20 year Navy veteran I thought I learned alot… Yet, in the past few months as this campaign has unfolded and the MSM has embarked on the most accurate portrayal of dereliction of duty mankind has ever seen, I’ve been left with the distinct impression that my ideology is something to feel ashamed of, or at least they’d like me to believe…
And then I stumble across this self professed warrior pontificating…
Shipmate[aka "milidude"], if I may, “Better to be thought an a$$ than open your mouth and remove all doubt…”
Here is link for you to embrace as you march on in life… Try it on and see if it fits:
“The Chief”
September 30th, 2008 at 7:57 pm
I couldn’t read the whole thing of this milidude. Yes might RIGHT
to not listen! HaHa
Were you ever in the military? Sorry to doubt you but do you blame me?
My father-in-law is a POW and he is Republican all the way! HAH
Just like me!
September 30th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
If he responded to your question, he would be admiting that we didn’t ban him. But being a liberal, he’s dumb enough to try that and still think that his allegation of us banning him still holds water.
And for the record, we can’t really ban people even if we wanted to. All it takes is a reset IP/deletion of cookies and they’re back in business.