For those who still believe the Democrats are innocent in the mortgage crisis…

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Saturday, September 27th, 2008 at 9:01 pm

(Here’s more evidence to pretend that you didn’t see)

Ah the virtues of Liberalism: to reward bad behavior at the expense of good behavior. And somehow, this party still achieves the perception that they’re on the side of “hard working” Americans. In reality, they’re on the side of themselves, pandering to the lazy, guilt tripping the responsible, and above all else, getting elected by any and all means possible, no matter what the consequences.

Now they want to send 700 Billion dollars to the businesses that failed as a result of their arm twisting. They want to blame Republicans for the whole mess. They also want to “blame” Republicans for refusing to vote for a bill that hurts taxpayers and the survival of the fittest principles of capitalism.

November 4th, 2008 will be our chance to throw these self-serving bums out along with all of the failed CEOs. It’s only a shame that we taxpayers will be paying their congressional pensions for the rest of their lives.

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One Response to “For those who still believe the Democrats are innocent in the mortgage crisis…”

  1. Says:

    I hope everyone that wants to vote for Obama watches that second video.

    Obama’s economic policies are dangerous for all Americans, and this video proves it.

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