An Open Letter to The Democrat Leadership
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, September 26th, 2008 at 3:45 pmDir Sirs and Madams,
I am writing to let you know that I am not stupid. I also want you to know that the American people are not stupid. We have seen the spin you guys are trying to pass as truth about what really happened at the White House meeting yesterday.
The biggest lie I’ve seen thus far is the blaming of House GOP Congressmen “ruining” this bill which is supposed to “save” our economy. I happen to know that this is a lie and I hope most Americans do as well because it flies in the face of how the House of Representatives actually works.
The reason I know it’s a lie is because the Democrats, not the Republicans, control an overwhelming majority of the seats in the US House of Representatives. This means that if a bill which is supposedly a “fantastic idea” that will “save our economy” will get pushed through the House with or without GOP support there.
The only reason the bill is not getting passed is because Pelosi refuses to allow it on the House Floor. Democrats won’t put the bill on the floor of the house is because they know the bill is loaded with corruption and it will make our economy worse in the long run. If they can’t pass it without Republican votes, it means that the blame down the road (assuming the media wakes up by then) will be rightfully be passed to the Democrat Party.
We voters want the Democratic Leadership to know that we are paying very close attention to this issue and despite the media refusing to challenge the absurdity of your spin, we still see right through it.
Now, please adjourn congress without passing any form of this corrupt bill that is both bad for our country and bad for our economy. I hope that this is the last “Service” you people will be doing for our country as I hope you are all kicked out of office on November 4th for continuing to insult the intelligence of voters.
Have a nice day,
Kelsey Golden
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
September 26th, 2008 at 4:05 pm
The Congress are still at odds over the bailout bill.
The politicians in favor of the bailout bill want to pass the plan before the U.S. stock markets open on Monday morning, or at best, before the Asian markets open on Monday.
September 26th, 2008 at 6:43 pm
I hope wall street is forced to suffer the consequences of making poor business decisions. I also hope people who took out bad loans are the only ones that have to suffer directly for their poor decision, not taxpayers.
Our economy may suffer briefly but we’ll survive and be better for it in the long run. This bailout plan will only preserve the economy for a few months at best before the consequences of the inflation it generates starts to hit. It’s just an election year ploy made by both parties in order to win elections via mindless pandering, nothing more.
September 26th, 2008 at 8:34 pm
This “bill” is not going to solve anything except to add a huge burden to the taxpayers. If Obama is elected President Americans will be unable to meet their obligations regardless of taking out bad loans by their poor decisions, the decision will be made for us. It will be socialism via government. Additionally, they added pork such as ACORN, a corrupt left wing group that endorsed Obama, in to the bill to receive $50 million dollars. This is not a debt I want on my back. Bush needs to stop this nonsense but it seems that he is siding with the Dems. I can’t say that this is a debt I want, nor do I want my grandchildren to have to pay.